on why wp-email, and its creator Lester, rock

Emailing posts is now available on my site! Hurray!

The real hurray, however, goes to Lester “GaMerZ” Chan, creator the cool plugin (among several others) that makes this possible. It is also served as an excellent reminder of why I love the internet. Brief story:

Last week I tried to add wp-email to my wordpress blog. I successfully installed the software, but there was no link that users could click on to email a post. After troubleshooting for a few hours I decided, on a lark, to email the creator of the software.

Within no time Lester emailed me back and we began troubleshooting the problem. Actually, when I say “we”, I really mean “him.” Or, to put it another way, if my blog were a car, I essentially popped the trunk, held the flashlight and supplied the odd workman-like grunt. My hands almost definitely did not get greasy. (For those who are curious and technically inclinded, something unique about my theme was the source problem).

Needless to say, I’m very grateful for the help… it’s a level of service I’ve never recieved before on software. Frankly the whole experience has left me somewhat dizzy with excitment and gratitude. If you are looking for cool PHP plugins for your blog definitely check out his page.

Thank you Lester.

[tags]wordpress, plugins [/tags]

4 thoughts on “on why wp-email, and its creator Lester, rock

  1. Edward

    Lester – I’m having the same problem as Hurray, installed the email plugin and activated. However, the email doesn’t show up. You can check it out in my blog. Please let me know how and what is the fix. I’d much be appreciated.


  2. Edward

    Lester – I’m having the same problem as Hurray, installed the email plugin and activated. However, the email doesn’t show up. You can check it out in my blog. Please let me know how and what is the fix. I’d much be appreciated.Thanks


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