New York Times tears down its walled garden

Serendipity! Taylor and I just submitted a op-ed piece in reaction to Kathy English’s Toronto Star Editorial Journalism is Job 1 – As Always in which we question her vision of the Star’s role within an online enabled community.

One of the main thrusts of our piece is that it is not enough for newspapers to move their content online – they have to integrate with the online community they are a member of.

Not 24 hours has passed since we’ve submitted it (no word as of yet if the Star will run it) and the NYT has announced it is tearing down its firewall. No more exclusive, pay to view online content.

I’d make a comment but Andrew Sullivan has already done it justice (h/t to Taylor for passing along the link).

I do have one question though… what does the Globe and Mail know that the New York Times doesn’t?

4 thoughts on “New York Times tears down its walled garden

  1. Andrew

    Great news! Both the Globe and the NYT were daily reads for me back before the subscription walls went up. Since then I only visit them occasionally. Probably not what their advertisers were hoping for.

  2. Andrew

    Great news! Both the Globe and the NYT were daily reads for me back before the subscription walls went up. Since then I only visit them occasionally. Probably not what their advertisers were hoping for.


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