Open Everything

This first stage of open source (which is drawing to and end) was proofing out the model.

The second stage is about a duopoly…A battle of ideas, so to speak of open versus closed… Where industry is going to be dominated by two platforms that really characterize these two concepts. These two platforms are likely to be Linux and, unfortunately, Microsoft… but I think increasingly the world is entering into this two horse race.

Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation at Ubuntu Live

September 3-6 I’m co-hosting an event called Open Everything at hollyhock which seeks to explore what this second stage of open will look like and how it can be made more successful, not just in the world of Linux and Microsoft, but across all areas, software, hardware, philanthropy, public policy, business, etc..

In short, what does being “open” mean? What will it mean? And what could it mean?

A bunch of very cool cats are getting together to see if we can begin to answer that question. If you think you might be interested in joining us, click here.

There will obviously be much, much, much more to come on this.

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